News from Concord: Special Elections

When a House seat becomes open for any reason, the district affected may decide to hold a special election to fill it. Special elections are decided by who turns out to vote for a single candidate for a single office. The outcome gives that candidate and that party a leg up in the next, full election. If a particular party wins most special elections, it is a good sign that they will prevail in the upcoming general election. Jaffrey, Dublin, Harrisville and Roxbury lost Rep. Doug Ley and Bedford lost Rep. Dave Danielson recently. Both have filed to hold special elections to fill the positions through the end of term in November, 2022. Only Cheshire 9 has a primary.

VOTING IN A PRIMARY IS IMPORTANT, even if only one candidate is listed for your party. Otherwise, someone, even someone from the other party, can mount a write-in campaign and win the primary.
CHESHIRE 9: Jaffrey, Dublin, Harrisville, Roxbury*Primary Election: September 7, 2021
*Special Election: October 26, 2021
Democratic – Andrew Maneval, Harrisville (PO Box 300, Harrisville) 03450
Republican – Rita Mattson, Dublin (72 Burpee Road) 03444
                     Lucille Decker, Jaffrey (6 Birch Street) 03253
Declaration of Intent – Donald Primrose (PO Box 89, Dublin) 03444  — nomination papers must be filed no later than September 7, 2021 for access to special election ballot on October 26th.

*Special Election: September 7, 2021 (Deadline for requesting a recount with Secretary of State is Thursday, September 9th. There will be NO primary election.*Filings:
Democratic – Catherine A. Rombeau, Bedford (27 Pembroke Way) 03110
Republican – Linda Rea Camarota, Bedford (16 Weymouth Drive) 03110

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