How GSM rates Extremists
- Legislators who voted with the Liberty Alliance agenda 80-100% have been labeled “extremists”. (Details below)
- People who signed up to vote as the Texas-based Young Americans for Liberty PAC instructs them, presumably in return for funding since YAL promised to spend over $1 million in NH elections.
- People otherwise involved as leaders of the Free State Project, Libertarian Party of NH, NH Journal or related liberty or white supremacy groups.
- Local and county candidates who meet the criteria shown in “How to Identify Anti-Democracy Candidates.”
The Liberty Alliance is the political arm of the Free State Project [FSP]. The FSP has attracted thousands of people to move to New Hampshire with a commitment to run for office. The FSP’s goal is to take over state government with a “liberty” agenda.
Votes on Liberty Alliance priority bills determine legislators’ ranks on the lists above. The following are some of their extreme goals:
1. Cause public education to collapse
Governor Sununu and the GOP-majority executive council put libertarian Frank Edelblut in charge of the Department of Education. With his help, the Liberty Alliance has:
- increased the likelihood that children in poorer districts will receive an inferior education, through the rules approved by the Joint Legislative Committee on Administrative Rules and finalized August 14 by the State Board of Education.
- sought, with multiple bills, to expand “Education Freedom Account” vouchers, with no fiscal cap on spending. (State auditors found errors in a quarter of the small sample of EFA applications reviewed. DOE and the management company it contracted refuse to give auditors access to complete the audit.) The next governor and legislative majority will determine whether to expand or repeal EFAs. Kelly Ayotte’s plan to let everyone have EFA’s is expected to quadruple last year’s $22 million in costs to over $100 million.
- encouraged public mistrust and harassed school districts with increased, uncompensated paperwork and requirements.
- tried to remove altogether the state’s Constitutional responsibility to provide children with an adequate education, CACR 12.
2. Defund state government and download expenses onto towns
The Liberty Alliance priorities are to:
- cut taxes on the wealthy and corporations to the point that NH will not be able to pay its bills. (Already achieved, see NH is in Trouble.)
- hamstring the state’s ability to fund any of the deficits they’ve created. This bill, CACR 15, lost by only 2 votes.
- stop the Municipal Association from lobbying for towns’ and cities’ best interests and other nonprofits from testifying in the interest of their constituents, HB1479.
3. Make everyone responsible only for their own personal interests, not any common good or societal benefit. For example, they rewarded legislators who opposed:
- HB1711 authorizing the state to report mental health data for purposes of firearm background checks
- HB1068 requiring children to be tested for lead levels when entering school
- SB 499 to fund summer meals for low-income schoolchildren.
- CACR 14 providing that the state shall maintain and improve a clean and healthful environment for present and future generations
A complete list of Liberty Alliance bill priorities are on page 15 of their ranking list.
How to identify anti-democracy candidates in towns & COUNTIES
Do they want to:
- DEFUND, CLOSE, OR TOTALLY DEREGULATE what they’re elected to run. For instance, a zoning board candidate who wants all zoning regulations repealed.
- HARASS town, county or school staff. For instance, they may demand extra reviews, audits, copies, meetings, or paperwork.
- PROMOTE ANTI-SCIENTIFIC attitudes and policies, for instance, encouraging the legalization of inappropriate medications.
- HIDE FROM TAXPAYER SCRUTINY the use or outcomes from taxpayer spending, such as composite test results from educational voucher recipients by school.
- OBSTRUCT ELECTIONS & VOTING by requiring hand counts, unusual documentation, in-person voting, and so on.
If you identify new candidates who meet these crtieria, please contact us so we can add them to the watch list: