New Hampshire in Imminent Peril? What we don’t know, can hurt us

New Hampshire in Imminent Peril? What we don’t know, can hurt us

Imminent peril is a legal concept  meaning “certain danger, threatening, menacingly close at hand.” It seems to suggest that one can have no space for joy; that the situation requires immediate, all-consuming action to avoid disaster. And yet it is summer in New Hampshire, and imminent peril approaches in slow motion. The monster’s footfalls seem distant:…

News from Concord: Redistricting Maps

News from Concord: Redistricting Maps

REDISTRICTING MAPS Every ten years, after the census, every state must redraw its districts to reflect changes in population. In NH, the party in power controls re-districting. The governor twice vetoed attempts to make re-districting a fairer, less-partisan process. Consequences of redistricting in 2010Traditional Republicans controlled redistricting in 2010, which led to their legislative dominance last…

“Freedom Caucus” bans free speech. Free-State founder researching secession at St. Anselm’s

“Freedom Caucus” bans free speech. Free-State founder researching secession at St. Anselm’s

This session, the NH Liberty Alliance and other libertarians comprising the House “Freedom Caucus” drove measures so extreme that they contradict the groups’ own mission. NHLA policies claim to place individual choice before all else, but they banned free speech relating to racism or sexism. They claim to want transparent government, but voted against continuing public remote access…

The budget story the Union Leader will Never Print

The budget story the Union Leader will Never Print

Fundraising letters from the G.O.P. dropped the instant Governor Sununu signed the budget. Yet the signing happened in private, without the press coverage the governor is usually so fond of. Why?     New Hampshire is a purple state. The parties are about evenly split, but more voters prefer to remain undeclared, somewhere between the extremes. Yet…

Who Wins from Tax Cuts?

Who Wins from Tax Cuts?

The G.O.P. budget appears certain to include BET/BPT cuts. This will be their 4th BPT and 3rd BET cut in a decade. BPT cuts go primarily to multinationals. BET cuts help less profitable firms with large payrolls. However, Concord is simultaneously cutting education aid to property-poor towns and revenue sharing and making other changes that increase…

News from Concord: Budget Battle Continues

News from Concord: Budget Battle Continues

Every two years, the Governor submits a budget plan, then the House generates a budget bill, which the Senate amends. The Senate Finance Committee passed its amended bill last week for consideration by the full Senate this Thursday, June 3, followed by reconciliation of the House and Senate versions in Committee of Conference. It both can pass the…