“Freedom Caucus” bans free speech. Free-State founder researching secession at St. Anselm’s

This session, the NH Liberty Alliance and other libertarians comprising the House “Freedom Caucus” drove measures so extreme that they contradict the groups’ own mission. NHLA policies claim to place individual choice before all else, but they banned free speech relating to racism or sexism. They claim to want transparent government, but voted against continuing public remote access that let thousands attend hearings to protest vouchers.

NHLA’s annual “Porc[upine]Fest” broke attendance records last week. They use the event to encourage people to move to NH as part of the Free State Project. Shown to the left is Governor Sununu endorsing their former president and PorcFest founder, Carla Gericke, for Senate.
        FSP and Gericke’s official mission is to take over the state and secede from the United States. They are not alone. Last November, 37 libertarians, including 6 House FC members, sent the Secretary of State a declaration that election results were invalid and they were in revolt against the state. House leadership said nothing. This session, FC members began to set up their own system of elections, gun law and other actions to lay a foundation for eschewing federal authority. Jason Sorens, a founder of FSP, is Director of St. Anselm’s Center for Ethics in Business & Government. His LinkedIn bio says he is “working on topics such as state politics and policy, federalism, & secessionism.” 
      The most disturbing aspect, though, is that traditional Republicans have officially chosen to work with the Caucus, as described by Zandra Rice Hawkins and Arnie Arnesen in Free Staters and a Complicit Governor. It is this complicity that has enabled FSP members to take over leadership of the House and enact these extreme laws.

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