NH News

Spread the news with handouts about Kelly Ayotte’s surprising embrace of NH extremists, in addition to Trump. And how she cashed in on the housing crisis as a board member of Blackstone.

THE GOP CRIPPLED NH’S FUTURE. you may end up paying for it.

Rising costs, 1200 lawsuits, crony contracts for Sununu donors, and tax cuts for NH’s wealthiest residents and corporations are leaving NH with a big budget gap. Biz revenues were $30mil under plan in September alone.

NH House Majority Leader Free Stater Jason Osborne profile pic setting fire to the NH state house plus a photo of the 2023 libertarian Free State Porcfest

20,000 Free Staters have Vowed to make NH Their LIBERTARIAN HOMELAND.

Free Stater Jason Osborne already leads the NH House Majority. He’s supporting a convicted murderer for state representative. You can help stop these radical Libertarians from taking over.

Read the report

NH: Battleground in the Fight to Dismantle Democracy has 100+ links to source material detailing the targeting of the state by extremists.

New Hampshire: Battleground in the Fight to Dismantle Democracy; New Hampshire: Campo de Batalla en la lucha por desmantelar la democracia. English y español.